I hope you all had a bit of fun with this competition whcih was won by owner Huw John.
We have donated the prize money to charity.
Current leader of the competition is Huw who has now over taken the previous carp by 3 ozs
Kensie Carp 10lb 15 oz common carp has been beaten with a 1 lb 4 oz rudd (8 x 1.4 + 11lb 2 oz.)

From April 1st to November 30th, 2022, the largest fish caught and
verified will win £200.00. Competition will close on November 3oth and the winner will be paid December 1st 2022.
To make it fair to all anglers, a multiplier will be applied to the Roach, Rudd and
Carp as weighed x 0 (12lb = 12lbs)
Silvers (Roach) x 6 ( 2lb = 12lbs)
Perch X 3.0 x 4 (4lb Perch = 12lbs)
Rudd x 8 ( 1.5lb = 12lbs)
Terms and conditions.
1. There is no extra charge to enter.
2. The fish size and weight must be verified by one of the owners or
their named representative.
(a) If the representative is not available the fish may be placed in a
Net for a maximum of two hours. The angler must then immediately seek out a representative to
confirm the weight of the fish.
PLEASE NOTE, THIS IS A FUN ADDITION TO YOUR DAYS FISHING. OCCASIONALLY THE OWNERS DO HAVE A FULL or PART DAY OFF. During these circumstances the competition will not apply for period of the day.
(b) The fishery reserves the right to suspend the competition during any
day when there is no representative available to confirm and record the
weight and photograph the fish.
(c) All fish must be caught within the rules of the fishery and during
normal day ticket opening times. Any fish caught during matches will not
be considered.
3. The angler must agree for their photograph to be placed on
advertising material including all social media and the fishery
4. In the event of two or more fish being recorded at the same weight
the prize money will be shared.
5. The management's decision is final and no correspondence will be
entered into.
PLEASE NOTE, THIS IS A FUN ADDITION TO YOUR DAYS FISHING. OCCASIONALLY THE OWNERS DO HAVE A FULL or PART DAY OFF. In those circumstances the competition will not apply for period of the day.