How's it fishing 2024-Pembrokeshire Coarse Fishery

As from March we will be back to summer opening times 7am to dusk. Remember a bad day's fishing is still better than a good day at work.

How's it fishing 2024

The first grass carp I have seen for a long while . Well done Jamie and Lee Anderson as this was the first of several carp they caught on their recent visit. Besides the carp there are some stunning roach and rudd being caught and quite a few tench at around the 1lb mark.
The second picture is our resident heron , this young bird has taken to roosting on anything , the willow tree, the tall leylandii hedge and we have even see it on our conservatory roof.


It is fishing well at the moment with plenty of carp, roach and rudd from both lakes. The top lake is good for catching perch at the moment with several 1.5 lb fish and even 1 x 2lb perch that Iawn caught on his recent visit. The picture of Iwan and his perch shown below is from a visit during the warm weather in May. I also thought I would share a couple of recent emails with you.
"Hi Huw,
I forgot to send you this photo of a perch I caught from your top lake, while you were on holiday. Feel free to use it if you like.
"Hi Huw, a good day yesterday, had a few prawns from Wednesday dinner so used a couple as bait. Here's the last two fish on half a prawn each, decent sized eel  It was a beautiful creature,  sort of marbled blue and green. Biggest eel I've caught in over 60 years of fishing.
and lovely condition carp, some good roach and rudd on corn too. Be over again soon.
Cheers Michael."




Pictured below, is a nice carp for the nice owner of the fishery. Carp are being caught daily a few into double figures from the bottom lake. Great fun on lighter tackle where you need to play these hard fighting wildie carp. There has been plenty of silvers along with perch and tench being caught recently . One angler recently commented " he does not know of anywhere in West Wales that can match the quality of the roach and rudd that can be caught at this fishery." This year so far, the bigger carp 14 to 15 pounds have been caught at the top lake although they are more of a challenge to catch up there. The clear water and layout of the bottom of the lake may have something to do with it.



Thanks to Mathew for these photos who had another good day on the top lake recently. 11 carp in all  Geoff a pleasure angler also had a good day 8 common carp ,a tench and several quality roach. The biggest of his carp is shown in his  photo below.
The carp have been spawning over the last weekend which is early considering the weather has not been that great. That said the water is warm and clearly that is what drives the fish to the spawn. Normally the carp in particular feed well after spawning and catch rates increase.
The weather leading up to the spring bank holiday look warm and more settled, maybe an ideal time to dust down the rods and head out fishing.
Just to add a litle interest I have added a picture of this beautiful butterfly I saw arounf the fishery recently.



Apologies as it has been a while since I posted an update. 

April has been an excellent month with good catch rates being reported. Plenty of carp and silvers landed and all in very good condition. Tench to 1.5 have also been caught which surprises me as it is early in the year for them, normally they are more active in the hotter summer months. 

An interesting picture below I took this with a night vision camera , a Heron fishing during the night. Of all the years we have been here I was not aware that they did this, I assumed they arrived first light and were dawn to dusk feeders.



Happy Easter to you all.

At risk of repeating myself , "will it ever stop raining"  Last weekend we had a couple of nice days but then it returned to torrential rain again. 
On the better days we have had several anglers who are all reporting good catches.  None of the bigger carp have been landed only the mid range of between 5 and 10 pounds.  Lewis and Phil who are still learning the sport and trying different techniques have found that presently fishing the bottom has been the best method.  Is there is a still water lake lake in Wales that have better quality of roach and rudd? I would be surprised if there is. The size and quality on both lake is stunning. That said, there are also plenty of the smaller fish that you need top contend with to get to the bigger ones. Maggots are brilliant but tend to cach smaller fish. My tip is to use our  Fujuka fishing baits or something similar and fish a bit further out than where you feed the maggots.

The photos are of Trish with a grass carp take a few years ago but still,  she looks very happy with her catch. The second is a fleeting moment when I caught the heron flying low over the water. 


Will it ever stop raining! It is now the middle of March and the weather is warm and the fish are feeding well, it remains wet underfoot. The bottom lake is fine on the whole as we have the concrete lane and hard standing at the far end. However the top lake is very wet especially at the  very far end.  It is possibly to fish it from the gate side and the right-hand bank. Good tip , bring sturdy boots or wellies. 
The results of the final Pembrokeshire Piscatorial match have not been sent to me. It was fished as a silver fish match and during the morning I saw a lot of fish being caught including some excellent size and quality roach.

The photos are of a couple of carp Colin caught on Monday 11th March. 



At last it is beginning to look like spring, well at least inbetween the prolonged rain showers!
The fishing is good with plenty of carp and silvers being caught. Mathew continues to have good results on the top lake. Although it is very wet on the bank up there although there are dry areas on the bank if you seek them out.

The last Pembrokeshire Piscatorial Match to be held at this venue will take place next Sunday.


A quiet start to the year although the fishing in between storms and the frosty weather has been ok.  Clear water has made life a little more difficult and lighter tackle has been the better option. The pembrokeshire Piscatorial match that was scheduled for the 21st January did not happen, not sure why but I assume the weather forecast for heavy rain and wind later in the day had put some of the anglers off venturing out.  Whilst we are on the point of match fishing!  We have now decided that the next leauge match on the 25th of February will be the last match at the fishery and we will no longer be hosting fishing matches. There are several reasons for this decision and it has always been difficult to balance the day anglers who we turn away on match days and the clubs who use it for matches. 
Couple of interesting things from the begining of the year a very young angler just 9 years old caught a carp on a floating dog biscuit during one of the sunny days in early January.  He and his bother were fishing at the far end of the bottom lake, as I was walking over to see them I notice several carp had come up in the water along the concrete road  area, no doubt enjoying the midday sun on the water. I mentioned this to them and they decided to go and try for them while I continue to chat to their grand father. It took less than five minutes for the carp to take the bait.
Later in the month ,Geoff, who came to target silvers was surprised to catch a tench this early in the year. It was considerably bigger than the one pictured which is one caught last summer.
Finally over the winter I have enjoyed putting some tit bits out for the hawks. The picture below is a buzzard enjoying the remains of our Sunday lunch leg of lamb. The kite has also been tepmpted down to pick up bits much to the annoyance of the crows.  As I keep saying, sitting on the bank fishing is not always about catching fish.
I hope to see you all soon.
