This will be my last post until the New Year . There have been few anglers thiose who have ventured out have caught carp and silvers.The method needs to change slighty with ar lighter baits and lines working well. That said the recent Pembrokeshire match was as unusual as it was difficult fishing. The winner was one of only 3 who caught carp , he eventually weighed in with a bag of 5.5 kilos. The reason it did not fish on the day is anubodies guess, normally winter match fishing at this venue is productive.
We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our friends and customers , and yes, all our customers are considered friends.
Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Hapus - Merry Christmas and Happy New
Quiet few days at the fishery, this is normal for Late November so I will probably not post to much again until the New Year.
That said the next match is on December 3rd a report will be put on here for that.
In the mean time why not buy a a gift voucher for a Christmas present . It can include camping or touring caravan hook up if required. Contact the fishery for more information.

![IMG_2883[1] IMG_2883[1]](images/IMG_2883[1].jpg)
Mike and Trevor came over from the Gower to spend yesterday doing a bit of fishing in the sunshine . Mike caught over 50 roach, rudd and this cracking perch. Trevor had a few smaller carp and plenty of silvers.
Some excellent fishing from Mark during last Sunday's match. He quickly realised the silver fish were not feeding. He switched to the carp by the end of the match he had taken 29 kilos together with his 1 kilo of silvers it was enough to take the honours in todays tightly contested match. Steve was 2nd with a slightly heavier carp bag but his roach bag was just a couple of fish lighter.
Total weight for the match was approx. 160 kilos which is not bad for a cold November day.
![IMG_2885[1] IMG_2885[1]](images/IMG_2885[1].jpg)

If anyone is interested full or part time please contact me at . Please note the ability to speak Welsh is essential .
There is now an exciting opportunity for two individuals why not apply to manage the Tafarn sinc . This could be a couple or two individuals who have experience as Bar Managers and or Kitchen Managers. Would be suitable for a couple, partnership or two individuals that are able to work together running an already succsessful pub/restuarant. There is one provisio, that the front of house (bar) must be a Welsh speaker. All other staff cleaners,waiting staff etc are already in place. Excellent remuneration package availalbe and living quarters in the stunning location nestled in the heart of the Preseli Mountain
Please contact me for futher details, via this web site or at .
Diolch y Bawb--- Thank you all.
Plenty of carp caught during the past seven days. Surface fishing is still working well and floats near the margins continue to show good results. I have not seen many try a ledger out in the deper water this week, possibly due to anglers seeing the activity near the margins and targeting those fish. I think with the cooler nights and shorter days ledgering may well be worth a try for the bigger carp in particular.
As normal; at this time of year the carp are feeding well. As the water cools carp tend to feed extra in ready for the colder winter months where thier natural feed such as insects etc get less and less. Its a really good time of year for carp fishing well worth a visit. Silver fish are prolific and there are plenty of 1lb size fish being caught . Yesterday while I was chatting to two anglers at different sides of the lake each caught a rudd of that size. Perch continue to grow and especialy on the top lake are plentiful now.
Next Match 5th November 2017.

Couple of pictures of the carp basking in late September just wainting for you to come and catch them.

Carp are feeding well with plenty of fish being caught. One Pembrokeshire Piscatorial member, who was here yesterday for a day's pleasure angling caught over a 100lb of fish which included 15 carp. Stephen Harrison a first time visitor caught this one late afternoon on floating bread crust , again it was one of the many carp he caught.
The night anglers are reporting busy nights . The latest to venture out was delighted to take over a dozen carp with the largest at 14.5 lbs.
Anglers who are looking for quality silver fish and or perch will also be delighted to hear that almost daily I now get reports , not only how big some of them are but the condition of the fish as well.

Plenty of carp continue to be caught and as usual simple methods work best. This young girl was overjoyed to catch a few carp, I must add aided by her dad who has been a regular angler at the fishery since he was a youngster with his dad over two decades ago. It just goes to show how if you teach children how to fish it will give them pleasure through out their life.

The fishing is constant and plenty fo fish being caught , carp to double figures silvers to 2lb and perch again up to 2lbs, the perch are mainly caught at the top lake. Also a few nice sized eels have been landed lately. September is almost apon us and normally the carp in particular feed well possibly feed ing up ready for the winter.
Just a couple of pictures that the Harkin Brothers sent to me from their Monday session. Fair play to them for braving the weather just goes to show what a good bivvy and perseverance can achieve. August has had some excellent results for all anglers with both carp and the silvver fish angler reporting some stunning catches.
Tactics have been varied along the lines of what the weather throws at us that particular day.Floating baits are always a good way to tempt carp ( please note floating baits are not allowed arround the lilly beds)
Sunday's match was won by Steve Harrison with a great bag of 31 kilos. Including this wonderful bag of carp. (bottom picture).Other notable catches came from Mark Close. He finished 2nd with help from this carp bag((top picture). Well done all who fished today in challenging conditions.

Some excellent fishing during July, with the last weekend particulary good. One angler send over a dozen pictures of he carp he caught. It would be fair to say that there was nothing over double figures but the quality of he ones he did catch was stunning. Usually when carp are feeding as prolific as they were on the weekend then the big carp are also feeding albeit with more caution . As is normal the match angler have also been delighted with he quality of the silver fish again with some specemins fish being caught. Finally I heard today from a regular angler here that on his previous visit he caught a Perch of at least 2.5lbs from the top lake. If you visit the bird watching page on this web site you will see the extrodinary amount of birds we have around the fishery. The woodland in particular is a joy in the early morning listen to the morning chorus. Anyone wishing to expereince this we offer a camping facility within the woodland itself. A night around a campfire with in a perfectly private area is a joy in itself. Contact the fishery for details.

Just a couple of photos from my phone camera from the week, It has been fishing well over the last week with plenty of quality silvers and several double figure carp landed. Oddly I thought they had finished spawning but there were signs of the carp spawning again this past few days. Once they do spawn carp always feed really well. Night anglers are also reporting good catches.
Night fishing is by appointment only , spaces available for July August


The carp have now finished spawning and are feeding. Best method this week is surface fishing although the pleasure anglers have been catching top quality roach and rudd using feeders on the bottom.
There have been carp to 15lbs caught recently the bigger ones are happy to just cruise on he surface.
It has been a good month with good catches being recorded. Carp were very active for most of May but started to slow towards the end of the month. This was down to spawning whcih is not at all unusual. A change of weather has strung out the spawning and as a result the carp are quieter than usual. That said there are plenty being caught and certainly plenty feeding. Plesure anglers are still catching excellent bags both in numbers and quality.


With the weather getting warmer so angler numbers and catches go up. Night anglers in particular have been reporting busy nights with plenty of carp being caught. That said there have not been any of the bigger 15lb plus carp caught recently or indeed this year. There is plenty of signs that the big fish are feeding and ocasionally showing themselves on the surface of the water, no doubt taking in the early spring sunshine.
The bigger roach rudd and perch are certainly getting caught on a regular basis. Meat , pellet and paste are the favorite baits for carp and soft pellet and maggot for the silvers.

The recent match was won by Steve with a very credible 13.9 kilos of fish which included 4 carp . These he caught late in the match and was just enough to over take Jonathan who weighed in with 13.5 kilos but he had only two small carp and a good silver fish bag.

It has also been a busy weekend with night anglers reporting decent catches with carp up to 12lbs . The bigger carp are hiding away somewhere obviously waiting for the for warmer weather . There has been a cold wind over the surface this week and some pretty sharp nights resulting in the bigger fish seeking deeper water again. Plenty of quality roach and rudd showing which is another indicator that the water temperature is a few degrees down as the bigger roach feed well in these conditions.
The competition to land the pure white carp is still running £100.00 if landed. (terms and conditions apply).
Paul Wilkinson led the way with several carp from both lakes last Saturday., probably landing well into double figures by the end of the day. It was a very sunny warm day and Paul had taken full advantage of the carp enjoying the warmth on the water and feeding near the margins. A few he reported to be around the 10lb mark but all the carp were in excellent condition, which is always nice to hear as it shows that the fish have survived the winter months where there is obviously less feed in the water. There have been both carp and silvers caught daily since. There is another match on Sunday 2nd April , they will be using the bottom lake. All anglers not in the match please us the top lake.
The Pembrokeshire Piscatorial Match held on the 19th February went well. Report as follows.
Good match today where the Pembrokeshire Piscatorial club were back on form after their disappointing January match. Today all anglers caught and weighed in . Top honours went to Jonathan Davies with a splendid mixed bag of carp, roach, rudd and perch. Total weight 18.7 kilos ( 41 lb 3 oz ). Second 12 + kilos and third 10 + kilos. Oh and I did add the picture of Brett Kilner, as to be fair he did catch a fish today!

Since then anglers have been dusting down their tackle and venturing out. I believe that no one has left the fishery without catching fish. Carp have been active although no big carp has been landed from either lake this year , yet! That said the sport size carp upo to 7lbs have been plentiful. With March now apon us and the evenings drawing out hopefully we will see on the banks soon .
A weekend where there were a few hardy anglers fishing. Friday night anglers had early success and continued through the night until morning. It then went quiet and remained so until around mid day. Their largest carp was 11lbs. John pictured with his first carp of 2017 . He landed a slightly bigger one just 5 minutes after.

the Previous Sunday we had the first Pembrokeshire Piscatorial match of the year.
Pembrokeshire Piscatorialssent me this Match report
"This weeks match was a silver fish match at Llyn Carfan (Pembrokeshire Coarse Fishery). Weather was OK with intermittent wind and showers. Didn't fish well with 4 dry nets and low weights. Deeper end of the lake fished better with the cooler conditions. Mark Close won the match with 2.9 kilo, Brian Hammond 2nd with 1.2 kilo and Stephen Mackay was third with 800g. Well done everyone that fi...shed. Tight lines. "
Yes it was a difficult match on Sunday there was no reason that we give for the low weights. Theses guys usually have bags of over 10 kilos for their silver fish matches. That said what they did not mention in the post, several carp were caught from all around the lake . They of course are not included in the weigh in as it silver fish only match.
Happy New Year All.
Just to kick off reports for 2017 I have added a few of the carp caught over the Christmas period.These are by no means the only catches or indeed the biggest fish but these are the ones that I have sent to me by some hardy a nd happy anglers.