Latest Fishing Report-Pembrokeshire Coarse Fishery

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Latest Fishing Report

Good pleasure fishing on both lakes . Plenty of mid size carp up to 10lbs the bigger beasts are being very evasive. As usual the roach and rudd are being caught for those who fish for them and indeed some bigger roach taking carp baits.



I am sorry if these reports are not showing as up to date. Fasthosts who have taken over the hosting of this site clearly are not as fast as they should be!!!
The fishing over the last few weeks has been exceptional with numerous carp been caught from both lakes.


Best Roach of the week.


Plenty of fish caught again over the weekend, Top Angler was Terry with nine carp in total .



Paul Wilkinson while caught this common carp on a floating dog biscuit, one of nine carp taken during a day session on the bottom lake.
In general there has been some excellent fishing and the carp now starting to feed readily after the winter period. This is not unusual as the weather gets warmer. This was also evident on Easter Sunday when the Pembrokeshire Piscatorials had their first match of this year at Llyn Carfan. Mark Close won the match with 18 kilos of carp. 


Good match yesterday they had a slow start due to a sharp early morning frost. As the day progressed it started to fish well and carp bags won the day.
Weekend in general has been good with both lakes producing good catch returns. Paul Wilkinson took the best from the top lake at 14 lbs.9 ozs



First match for the 2015/2016 Pembrokeshire Piscatorials league season on Sunday. "Bottom Lake". Top lake open as usual.
This should be a good match as there were a lot of carp moving around feeding today.



The gales on the weekend ruined any chance of some decent fishing. Even in the relative shelter  
 on the top lake the condidtions won the day. Lets hope next week end the sun shines on the Easter anglers.

One of the eight carp Liam and his dad caught up to 3 pm yesterday. I did not get a chance to chat to them before they left at dusk 7pm so very possibly they caught several more during that time.



  • For those who wish to try fishing or thinking of coming back to the sport. Llyn Carfan is now offering, 
    a day's fishing,
  • rod hire,
  • an hour tuition,
  • free EA licence ,
  • bacon roll and a hot drink
  • all for only £20.00.
  •  to book call
    Call 01994240819 
    or email
  • SmallLogo

Another fantastic weekend for the anglers. Good number of carp caught from all swims and on both lakes.I saw at least a dozen mid size carp taken from the bottom lake.  It was a good sign that floating bread worked well. Large pellet was also an effective bait.
In general the fishing over the last few weeks has been very good witht the usual mix of carp and silver fish coming out. The quality of the roach is something that is alwsy commented apon by pleasure anglers. Largest carp I have seen this month 12.6lbs.

Funny day today, an angler came early and fished until about 12 pm I did not see him catch anything. Early afternoon someone came and took over the peg he had fished from and caught 6 lovley carp. The largest was 12.9 oz . Maybe the water just got warmer, Maybe the first angler was a beginer, who knows maybe just luck!


The fishing has been mixed over the past week. There have been some good days with double figure carp being caught and other days when the cold wind blows accross the water where only the silver fish roach and rudd take bait. The top lake contiues to fish well with smaller carp up to 3lbs plentiful, lighter match rods and tactics work best for these. The bigger carp up there are also being caught but far fewer in numbers, this could be down to the smaller fish taking the bait quicker as it drops through the water.
Spring is traditionally a good time for carp because with the warm sun on the water the big carp will start to bask on the surface and quickly return to feeding through out the day in preperation of the spawning season. This is a good time to start using surface baits again dog biscuit or bread being the favoured baits.
The day ticket price for 2015 will remain the same and regular anglers will still be able to use last years day ticket stamps to collect enough for your free days fishing.

Good week with plenty fo both carp and silvers being caught . Top lake very productive with smaller carp up to 3 lbs plentiful.
Bottom lake had several double figure fish caught , anglers need to use lighter tackle due to the water  being a lot clearer at this time of the year.

Nice to see fish caught every day again, that is over the weekend and today. Today has seen some nice carp mid range size. 
Although I am looking forward spring arriving properly, there are signs it is almost here. Snow drops out,buds on the trees and daffodils are shooting up. The best sign is the bird song , are they happy winter is almost over or courting mates for spring , who knows. Either way its a joy to hear them.

Has been a quiet couple of week on both lakes, a few fish caught but hardly enough angler to give an accurate picture . Weather has certainly no helped with cold damp conditions.
 Mog Morgan  a Welsh  international  angler who has written many words on the pleasures of fishing wrote in his Western Mail page this week. The quote was in reply to someone who had told him he had not time to go fishing. "if you do not have the time to go fishing, you should re visit you priorities". It's hard to disagree with him.

Early in the New Year and fishing is going well. This is helped by the very mild weather we are having. There is plenty of movment on the water with both silvers and carp showing and feeding. A couple of lads doing a weekend stint seem to be catching on a regular basis.
I hope to see you on the bank very soon.
The last match of 2014 brought good results. Jonathan Davies being the eventually winner with 28 kilos over 60 lb of fish. Second and third had 19 and 15 kilos respectively.
Mark the Manchester plumber fished here three times last week. Early starts meant the frost was still on the ground and the fishing was slow. When the sun came up things changed and he managed over a dozen carp the largest just tipping the scales at 15 lb. Mark was delighted he had bothered to make the trip as his local lakes are not producing much at this time of year.

Possibly the frosty mornings have put the carp down in the water as there are less numbers being caught. Anglers need to change tactics by usimg lighter line and smaller hooks and choose your baits carefully. Natural baits tend to work best during the winter months as the carp in particular tend not to feed as much or as often.  Next match is on Sunday 7th December bottom lake.


Although it is late in the year the fish are still feeding well, this is no doubt down to the recent warm weather. Carp are caught on a daily basis with Sean Pearce on a night session taking 10 carp during the night. It had started slow and heavy rain for an hour or so kept the fish down in the water. When the rain passed the fish soon started taking pellet on a hair rig and continued throughout the night. The recent Pembrokeshire Piscatorial Match was won by Mark who landed with 26 Kgs +, Jonathan Davies was second with 18 odd and Chris Kidd was a distant 3rd with 13 Kgs (Chris commented after the match, last match the angler who fished the same peg failed to get a Kilo, enough said!!). Chris Kidd obviously did not mind coming 3rd this in this match -- it is the taking part that counts!  Incidentally Mark caught 9 Carp and so did Chris. All in all it is well worth a visit even if the days are shorter.

Quiet week not a lot of anglers about , maybe it has something to do with the weather!! Plenty of fish moving around feeding as the water is still warm-ish  . Great time for Carp as they will be feeding  up ready for the colder winter months. 


Pembrokeshire Coarse fishery (Llyn Carfan) is the top Coarse fishing venue in Pembrokeshire. Double figure carp are caught at a regular basis, it's when you trying catching the 20 pound plus fish is when the problem starts. Roach and Rudd are also caught in large numbers with 2lb fish sometimes taking floaters meant for carp. Tench are now large fish but very difficult to locate and catch.

Mark,a regular angler at the fishery when visiting the area caught this 20lb plus carp during one of his summer visits to Pembrokeshire.  Fishing his usual spot on the far , deeper, end of  the bottom lake  he used a couple of ledger rods and red robin pellets to good effect. The pictured fish was one of many big carp he caught during this year. Mark is planning a winter trip this year hoping that his run of luck continues.
The fishing in general has been very good over the past month, I have not heard of anyone failing to catch fish during their visit out here, whilst many have done really well. The recent Pembrokeshire Piscatorial Match was won by Paul with 28 kilos of fish. Not bad for a warm Sunday.
The top lake has continued to fish well for smaller fish, including several perch, the 1 to 2 lb carp and silvers are plentiful . With bigger carp coming out for those who fish for them.

The fishing continues to be excellent with a large number of carp being caught every day. It is possibly the cooler weather that has the fish feeding up ready for winter.
Over the last weekend there was over 200 carp caught with a variety of methods. I am not aware of any monster fish but they were all of decent size with an average of 7lbs.
The silver fish anglers have also been taking  good bags of quality fish.he fishing continues to be excellent with a large number of carp being caught every day. It is possibly the cooler weather that has the fish feeding up ready for winter.
The silver fish anglers have also been taking  good bags of quality fish. This morning 27-08-2014 one  angler took a fish every cast during his 4 hour stint. All Silver fish with some of them on the 1lb mark.


Our recent open day was a great success. Joel and the two Richard's from Wild Fishing Wales came along to help coach newcomers to angling. All participants caught fish and many of them carp for the first time. 
A barbecue lunch was provided by the hosts at Llyn Carfan. National fish month provided booklets the Get Into Coarse Fishing a very useful guide to help in where to fish ,how to fish, safety , identify fish guide etc. Along with a National Fish Month Log book to keep a record off, Venue,Date,Fish Caught,Bait, Method and weather conditions on the day.

In general the fishing at Llyn Carfan has been excellent with several double figure carp caught along with Graham Kent's one that got away. He hooked but lost a monster grass carp , which took refuge in the lilly pads and took his hook. His day was not made any better when the helpful owner suggested that the first rule of fishing is to learn how to tie your hooks properly!

The recent pembrokeshire Piscatorial match produced a winning weight of over 19 kilos in a mixed bag. The runner up also had 19 kilos but was just a few grammes under.

As part of the National  Fish Month we will be holding  A Family  Open Day on Tuesday August 5th 9am to 4 pm. It is an ideal day to try coarse angling.
There will be experts and coaches on hand to offer advice and tips on what makes a successful angler.
Tackle can be provided although limited so if you do have your own bring it along.
A Barbecue  lunch and tea /coffee will be provided free of charge .
To book contact the fishery  01994240819 or 

The fishing is excellent at the moment with carp caught on a daily basis.  Today 15th July A local  Whitland angler, Mark, caught 6 carp all over 8 lbs and with the heaviest over 13lbs. David Sausse also took 3 smaller carp. Silver fish are great sport for the match angler but in the very warm weather I would avoid maggots as a bait as they tend to bring in the very small fish.
Great for kids though as they are sure to catch all day on them.

Latest news 16/07/2014

June continued to fish well with only one barren spell during the hot and humid period. Thundery weather always put the carp down in the water, during such times the angler needs to adjust his tactics.
There have been reports of numerous carp to double figure and above from both lakes.  There have also been exceptional roach and rudd caught. Some specimen
size and others just quality fish in condition and colour. Local anglers  Chris and his brother Russell from St Clears took 15 carp between them on Sunday with the largest into double figures. Several other carp were also reported with the largest known to me was a 14 pound common from the top lake. Terry  staying on site also had a good day  Saturday with 15 carp out of the top lake , these were predominately  smaller match size carp of 2 to 3 lbs.
Match fisherman Mark also had a successful Sunday with an estimated 50 lbs of silvers and a further 3 carp.  Mark is hoping to repeat this performance during the forth coming Pembrokeshire Piscatorial match where nets will be allowed so he can have an accurate  weigh in.


Llyn Carfan continues to fish well with a recent match on the top lake weighing in a winning weight of 10.7 kilos of silver fish. Twelve anglers participated and as is usual for this venue all caught sufficient fish to  weigh in their bags. 
With the weather improving carp are now again showing  on the surface where floating baits are successful as is fishing the margins, both methods require the bait to  presented properly in order to attract the carp in. This weeks top angler Rob Ashead from Whitland taking 12 carp with the largest a 25lb  grass carp from the bottom lake.

Until  the end of September 2014  Llyn Carfan  are running a weekly top angler contest. The fish of the week which must be verified and photographed will win the angler a free days fishing on their next visit. Full details and rules can be obtained from the fishery.


 Both lakes are producing large bags of fish,  with quality carp showing from both lakes and no angler visiting the fishery failing to catch during recent weeks.  Best catches from the bottom lake Dave Barnett from Manchester recently took several double figure carp and a 25lb grass carp during three separate day trips to the fishery. He took all on ledger with swim feeders and 12mm pellet.  Trish Middleton  using  a float rod, fishing near the edges with good results taking over a dozen carp to up to 11lbs  during a 5 hour stint.

Top catch on the top lake is 50lb  plus bag of mixed silvers and carp by local lad William Thomas. William fished a waggler float  and frequently changed baits  between maggot, castor and sweetcorn.
The top lake will be closed for a Pembrokeshire Piscatorial match on the Sunday 25th May. Bottom lake will fish as normal.

First tench to be caught in the bottom lake for 10 years or so, this is one of three this spring.


Good weekend with plenty of fish caught. Best of them a 23 lb grass carp caught by Garry from Brynmawr who was staying for the weekend with his wife who also took several carp including a great Mirror carp and small tench. This is the first tench from the bottom lake for many many years

Some excellent fishing recently with good quality carp and silver fish being caught. With clear water on both lakes it is advisable to use light tackle and choose your methods carefully.

with Spring arriving now is a good time to dust off your tackle and possibly put new line on your spools ,clear out any old hooks from your tackle box . Replace items as needed. It is also worth throwing any old baits you have left over from last year as with all food stuffs they do have a use by date. If opened already they will go off and lessen your chances of catching fish.

The surprising catch during February was a wild brown trout of around 2 and a half pound in weight. It was caught by Viv Hill on a small size 16 hook baited with punched luncheon meat while using float rod while winter fishing for Roach. The fish was returned to the water it will be interesting to see how long it will be before it is caught again.




The first Pembrokeshire Piscatorial Match  of the year was held on Sunday 26th January 2014. Eleven very hardy anglers braved a down pour while setting up which continued for the first three hours of the match, the rain eventually turned to sunshine , this was followed by cold sleet and hail by the end of the 6 hour  match . Despite the very changeable conditions  decent weights were recorded the winner new member  Brian Wesley weighed in an excellent 31 kilos (68.2 lbs)  All anglers weighed in and the lightest bag just over 4 kilos.
General fishing is good with both carp and silver fish taking on light tackle.

The warm weather is certainly making the fish active with lots of movment in the water. I feed the the fish a couple of times a week to help maintain the condition of the fish.
Anglers who have been out over have caught fish although the water is very clear and your tactics should take account of this.  

Hello fellow anglers  and may I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
There is very little activity on the lakes at this time of year. The odd few anglers that do venture out are still taking fish and carp are very active. Although I would suggest lighter line and baits.  Silver fish are feeding in shoals again light tackle and a good attracting bait such as maggots. Move on to bigger baits and moved slightly away from the ground baited  target area for the larger fish.
I hope we will see you on the bank all again in the New Year. 
There has been two matches over the last couple of weeks. Both fished well with the winner taking over thirty kilos of fish each time. It is also interesting that it is rare for the same couple of pegs to produce the winner. It is usually the best angler and a bit of luck that produces the best bags at this fishery and not the favoured peg.
There have been good numbers of carp out over the last week or so nothing huge but up to double figure 
. That said there has been another smashed pole when fighting the big carp.

For the first time in many years a small tench was taken from the bottom lake,  all out big one disappeared or at least are never caught so it is nice to hear of this one

Fishing over the weekend was mixed with reports of good catches but also some very quite periods. A young boy and his father turned up again following a coaching session by the fishery owner. This time they had bought their own rods  and were confident enough to fish on their own.  They both took fish with fathers best
  a 7 lb common carp and his son beating him with a 9lb 6 oz carp.
 The top lake again produced excellent results on Sunday with small carp to 2lb and plenty of silver fish being caught.

Good numbers of carp and silver fish during this late summer period. Silver fish on the top lake are simply quality fish match tactics work best. There are still plenty of carp being caught. This is a good time to catch carp as they are active in the water and looking to feed up for the coming winter months.
The latest match was won with 15.4 kilos . the second place angler also took 15. kilos. All sixteen angler weighed in with decent weights.

The grass carp top picture was the second 20 plus fish that week , Spence  who was down from Liverpool also took a big grass carp from the middle of the bottom lake. He took it from the same peg as his son Jack had his 20 pound grass carp back in June.
There have been some excellent quality silver fish caught from both lakes during the last couple of weeks one roach was weighed at over 2lbs that one from the top lake.

"From Dan .(bottom picture) Here is the grass carp I caught on Thursday 28th! It took me nearly an hour to bring it in after it took a piece of bread about 30ft out! It weighted 21lb 5oz! Brillant haha regards Dan"

A 3 hour coaching session for Antony and his Mum (Daisy) went well. Antony catching over a dozen silver fish on the hired rod that had been provided by the fishery. We went for simple method of a waggler float in about 3 foot of water (close into the bank.) Using both maggot and sweet corn for bait over a dozen roach and rudd were caught and Antony lost a nice carp when his line snapped.
Daisy and Antony were pleased with their short introductory session to coarse fishing and will be returning soon.


Visiting the area from Newcastle I6 year old David  with one of the carp he caught at a recent visit. David is obviously a natural at fishing taking this carp on a rod hired at the fishery. Having listened intently to the coaching team  he then put the advice in to practice taking numerous silver fish and 3 very respectable carp.

The top catch for the month is a 38 lb grass carp caught by regular angler Sue Brumby , she used dog biscuit in the middle of the bottom lake to lure the carp in and a single biscuit to hook it.
The top lake is also fishing very well, John a Liverpool match angler using match tactics are taking over 80 x 2lb carp a day during his two week break to the area

The open day as part of the National Fish Month proved a great success with good numbers and a variety of fish been caught. Joel  a fishing officer with the Natural Resources Wales  brought extra rods and poles to teach a variety of tactics  to the young anglers  who turned up on the day. The fishery also put on barbecue lunch with tea and coffee. No one left with out catching fish
 which is a testament to this prolific fishery

Some excellent fishing with good numbers of Carp being caught . John who is staying at one of the touring van pitches took 17 carp last Monday all over 7 lbs and up to 12 lbs.
The silver fish are still catching well with some large fish up to two pounds taken.
Sunday 28th July is out open day were we will have coaches available to give some tips and tricks to all. Refreshments will also be on hand.

12 year old JackJones  took a 20 lb 12 oz grass carp on  June 1st 2013 at Llyn Carfan Coarse fishery.
Jack who travels with his family from Liverpool  is a frequent visitor at the fishery. This is by far his best catch to date, Taken on floating dog biscuit on a very warm sunny day. 
The wekend was very busy in angler numbers and fish caught Graham Barton took 12 decent carp on Saturday Morning his best being 14 lbs.


It has been a very funny spring the weather has being cold wet turning even colder with strong Easterly winds. Anglers have had to change tactics sometimes two or three times in a single day.
Carp have been caught in good numbers but nothing over the 15 pounds reported last month.
A recent match on the top lake was won by Jonathon Davies with 18 kilos there was however a big drop to the second place who only managed 11 kilos , all ten anglers did however weigh in.

The recent warmer weather has got the carp moving higher in the water and along the margins. There has also been some excellent large roach been caught.
Largest landed this year 19 lb common by Sue Brumby,

Between snow and the persistent wet weather the fishing has been slow, well slow in angler numbers. There have been some hardy anglers taking silver fish the carp are being caught but not in the numbers we see in warmer weather. Those that are caught are normally on the bottom with feeder filled  ground bait working better than hooked pellet.
Spring must be just around the corner where with sun on the angler back  I am sure we will start to see good number of the bigger carp being caught again.
Due to it's success we are again going to continue with or offer of, fill a card with a stamp on each visit and have a free days fishing. (Adults only offer) children are already half price

To few anglers about to give an accurate report on fishing. The snow and ice has put the carp down in the water but silver fish are showing in the clear water. Large shoals can be seen under the surface.
Hopefully the weather will soon start to pick up and with the longer days just around the corner anglers will again be keen to dust off their tackle and pay a visit.
Quiet on the fishery at this time of year although there is a match going on as I write.
Pembrokeshire Piscatorials are here for their annual Christmas match. I will give a report on how they get on later date.
It is worth mentioning that after the recent frost the carp are far deeper in the water and take more persuading to feed. 
I wish you all a very merry christmas and happy new year. We look forward to seeing you all again in 2013 were we hope the weather will be kinder than in 2012.

PS the match was won by Chris kidd with 11.5 kilos.


With the weather and shorter days there has not been an lot of anglers on the lakes. Those that have ventured out have all managed to catch fish most of which have been carp. Mark from Whitland
braved the elements and cold last Saturday morning and took two nice carp to 9 lbs and lost another two. He maintained that one of the lost fish was the hardest and strongest run he had , had at the lake. His 12 lb line broke resulting in him loosing his feeder and ledger. luncheon meat in small cubes had attracted the fish in the first place.


Over the last month the fishing has been a bit mixed although few have been and left without landing fish.
A recent silver fish match with Pembroke Piscatorial's resulted in Chris Kidd taking the spoils with approximately 9 kilos. Others were close behind and all contestants weighed in.
Carp have been caught on a regular basis with the best at 18 lbs.
In the last few days a match angler from Oxford visiting the area was delighted to take good mixed bags on the three days of his visit ( He is here again today 13/11/2012).

An interesting story from October.
Two guys turn up early one morning. It was blowing a gale and they sat facing the wind at the far end of the bottom lake. When chatting to them I did advise that they move up the disabled area where there was more shelter.
They left at lunch time telling a guy who just turned up that they had not had a bite and were of to another fishery.

This guy fished on the peg where I had advised them too. He took eleven carp 8 lb and 18 lbs. There must be a moral there somewhere !
P. S The Oxford angler mentioned earlier who today is on the top lake has just informed me that he is delighted not only with the small carp (to a pound) which I had advised him to fish for but the size and quality of the roach. To catch these you need very light tackle with 1.5 lb bottom and maggots as an attractor bait possibly switching to larger baits such as sweet corn . Please note maggots are only advisable during the cooler months.


September has been a mixed month on the lakes. Some anglers are struggling to catch while others are taking numerous fish.
Terry had another grass carp of 23 lbs on a floating dog biscuit.
The cooler weather has put the fish deeper in the water with less activity on the surface.
The silver fish are plentiful with bigger roach taking larger baits on light tackle.



The large grass carp are like buses, you wait ages then three come along at once.
Terry took a 33 lb. 3 oz last Sunday this is the third 30 lb plus we have had over the last month. What made this more remarkable is that Terry took it on a floating dog biscuit when the other end of the lake was being used for a Pembrokeshire Piscatorial match. His one carp would have given him second place as Jonathan Davies netted over 17 kilos of fish to win the match.
September is a great time to catch carp with the lakes being quieter it is also the ideal time to get those last few evenings before the nights draw in.

  • Liz who visits with her caravan took her largest fish to date lst weekend a 10.4 lb common carp, she puts it down to her new pink rod!

    Mark Brummett and
    Scott Howard had a fantastic days fishing Sunday with over 27 carp caught between them. They fished both lakes using a variety of methods if you average their fish at 8lbs each this gives a total bag of 216 lbs.

    The top lake is fishing well with the recently stocked carp taking small baits giving good sport on fish between half and one pound.
    The bottom lake needs bigger bait if you wish to avoid the smaller silver fish. I would not recommend maggots at this time of year. Peter Jordan who fishes for the silvers had one of his best days fishing during some inclement weather last Thursday.

Pembrokeshire Coarse Fishery
Llyn Carfan
SA34 0NP

01994 240819
07901 830038

Graham Kent caught an eighteen pounder from the bottom lake last Saturday. He was getting a little agitated as he had been broken three times during the morning so this common carp made up for his earlier disappointment.

Dave Rook took another grass carp of over 20lbs this is the second grass over 20 reported this spring.

The new stock of small carp are being caught on the top lake although lighter tackle is needed to tempted them


- 2012 -2013 matches

The following dates are booked for matches.
This will apply to the bottom lake only. Top lake will be open to public as normal.

2nd September 2012 Pembrokeshire Piscatorial

14th October 2012 Pembrokeshire Piscatorial

16th December 2012 Pembrokeshire Piscatorial

6th January 2013 Pembrokeshire Piscatorial

If you would like to arrrange a match at this venue please email for further details.

You may also book the whole lake/s for yourself (and friends) if you wish to experience what it would be like to own your own water for a day or longer. Contact for dates and prices.